Protect Your Game: Why April is Sports Eye Safety Month

Spring is in the air, and for many, that means one thing: sports season! Whether you're lacing up your cleats, grabbing your racket, or gearing up for a friendly bike ride, it's important to remember to prioritize safety – especially for your eyes.

Did you know that according to the American Optometric Association (AOA), Playing sports provides many benefits to children and teens. Yet, a study published in the January 2018 issue of Pediatrics underscores the potential for injury for youth playing sports. According to the study, an estimated 441,800 children were treated in this country's emergency rooms for eye injuries from 1990 to 2012.

Here's how you can safeguard your vision and ensure a winning season:

  • Invest in proper eye protection: Regular eyeglasses aren't enough. Look for sports glasses or goggles made with polycarbonate lenses, a highly impact-resistant material. Daily contact lenses are also a great option for athletes.

  • Choose the right gear for your sport: Different sports have different risks. Baseball and softball players benefit from helmets with protective cages, while racquetball and squash competitors need eye guards specifically designed for those sports.

  • Get a baseline eye exam: Schedule a comprehensive eye exam with The Vision Hub to identify any pre-existing conditions that could increase your risk of injury.

  • Lead by example: If you're a parent or coach, emphasize the importance of eye protection to young athletes. Make it a mandatory part of their uniform!

Daily contact lenses can be a great option for athletes who participate in sports, especially those with a high risk of eye injuries. Here's why:

  • Safety: Daily contacts eliminate the risk of glasses falling off or getting broken during sports, which could scratch or injure your eye.

  • Comfort and unobstructed vision: Unlike glasses that can fog up or bounce around, daily contacts provide a wider field of vision and more comfort during physical activity.

  • Convenience: Daily contacts are disposable, so you don't need to worry about cleaning or storing them.

However, it's important to consult with an eye care professional to see if daily contacts are right for you and your sport. They can help you determine the best type of lens material and fit for your needs.

Overall, daily contact lenses can be a safe and convenient option for many athletes. If you're considering them for sports, talk to us at The Vision Hub about the risks and benefits to make sure they're right for you. Although we carry many brands of contacts, our top fitting lenses, manufactured by Alcon are PRECISION1® and DAILIES TOTAL®, the first and only daily disposable Water Gradient contact lenses. Make an appointment today to see if our contact lenses are the right solution for you or click for more info

Remember: Protecting your eyes isn't just about avoiding injury. It's about safeguarding your ability to enjoy the sports you love for years to come. Play it safe this April and embrace Sports Eye Safety Month. Your vision will thank you!

For more information American Optometric Association or come see us at The Vision Hub today!  

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